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The Search For The Ultimate Deep Conditioner : Bentonite Clay Mix


Blessings and love beauties!!

Yesterday was my wash day, and after hearing and reading so many good things about it, I decided to try some bentonite clay.

Bentonite clay is a dull white colored clay that contains elements such as, potassium, sodium, calcium and aluminum and is used both internally and externally on the body...pretty much a 'head to toe' and all around kind of product.

Bentonite clay is said to cleanse the scalp and hair thoroughly and rid them of build up, it has also been said that it helps softens the hair.

Here's what I used :

● 3 portions of bentonite clay

● 2 of virgin olive oil

● 7 of oatmeal milk

Here's what I did :

● I mixed everything together into an homogenous mix

● I applied it to my hair after shampooing and applying and doing a small ACV rinse

● covered my hair with a plastic bag and got busy around the house

● waited for a bit more than four hours before rinsing the mix out

My results :

The first thing I noticed about my hair after rinsing was that it was moisturized. The second thing that hit me was how clean my scalp and hair was. I liked the results but I have to admit that my hair was more moisturized with rhassoul clay and it also cleanses just as well. Yes I know, rhassoul clay has become a favorite.
But back to bentonite clay...I also found that it was quite harder to wash out than rhassoul clay, that is, it is becomes thicker when added to water or any other liquid. I actually had a harder time mixing it too but I think it was because the oatmeal milk was really cold...I really don't know...

Overall, I liked the results, especially the cleansing part. 
However, frankly, I was a little, tiny bit disappointed...I guess rhassoul clay has set the bar pretty high...
Nevertheless, I will try just using bentonite clay and water the next time I try it because the olive oil and oatmeal milk might have affected the results (I doubt).

Here's why I used the ingredients listed above :

● bentonite clay : for moisture, and deep cleansing

● virgin coconut oil : for conditioning and shine 

● oatmeal milk : for strength, help with detangling, and vital nutrients

I still am not sure how great these ingredients work together...I will be trying another combo with bentonite clay...
Right now, though the results are not breath taking, I do believe this is a great deep conditioner...I mean, all you need to do is just read the list of great minerals and you'll know! As a long term treatment, I can already boldly say that bentonite clay will do great things for the hair. 
But as I said, I will be giving bentonite clay a chance to prove itself on it's own!

Have you tried bentonite clay? 
If so, what were your results?
