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October Goals

This is my first month actually posting Monthly Goals on 6-FOOT-LONG-HAIR, but I think they are necessary to reach my end-of-the-year goal!
  • Drink 80 oz of water daily- This means at least 5 16 oz bottles of water
  • Take my vitamins at least 5 times a week (MSM, Biotin, Mulivitamin)
  • Consume at least 46 grams of protein daily
  • Work out at least 3 times a week- this includes light work-outs
  • Protective Style(even though I'm sick of it) 5 times a week- hair is in a bun right now so I will do my Caruso Set this weekend.
  • Apply Sulfur Oil mix to scalp, especially the left and right side 3 times a week
  • No purchasing Hair Products or Accessories unless necessary
  • Save at least $300 (excluding 401K savings)- I know this has nothing to do with hair, but if I have a savings will deter me from purchasing products