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It's Worth a Try

Ever hear about trimming or cutting hair based on the New Moon cycle? I honestly don't see how trimming hair based on the new moon can increase length or thickness but it's a good schedule to follow in terms of ends maintenance.So, I will dust my ends on September 21st or 22nd...just for the heck of it. Hey,  I need to dust anyway, so why not then.

Best Days for Beneficial Haircutting in 2011:

March 18-20 - Spring Equinox — are the best dates to cut for spring and the ultimate dates for shaving one's head.

June 21-22 — Summer Solstice — are the best dates to cut for summer.

September 21-22 — Fall Equinox — are the best dates to cut for fall.

December 20-21— Winter Solstice — are the best dates to cut for winter.