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!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, I can't believe 2010 is coming to an end!  This has been one of the most emotional and exciting years I've had yet.  Not only is 2010 coming to an end, but so are my 20's!  I don't know whether to be scared or excited, but I'm I can't fight it, so I've decided to just go with it. What else can I do..right?  So, just 3 hours short of 2011, I'm looking back on this year, and all the things I've gotten the chance to experience.  I have to say, I've had a pretty blessed year.

I've always been a dreamer, and I believe that great things can a do happen.  You just have to believe, and take the chance.  I've always wanted to travel, and see the world.  I come from a suburb of Texas. It's not a small town, but even the biggest town gets smaller and smaller the longer you stay.  So, I took the chance this year.  I left Texas and moved out to Seattle with my boyfriend.  It was so exciting!  We gave away most of my belongings, and set out. 

 That's me standing in front of Mt. Ranier!
The Space Needle!

Seattle was great...the land was absolutely breathtaking.  I'd never seen the Pacific Ocean or lived on a mountain, and it around November some white stuff started falling from the sky and covered the ground. I couldn't believe it was actually snowing AND sticking to the ground!  It's very rare for snow to fall in Texas, so of course we lived it up that day.  We went shopping, rode the bus around, and went walking just get to walk in the snow.  It sounds a bit silly, but when you get to experience something great like snow for the first time, you really try to enjoy it, and live in the moment. 
There was also the rain.  When we first arrived in the summer, it may have rained once or twice, but the sun was mostly shining.  But, suddenly fall and winter came, and no more sunshine.  Yes, the rumors are true.  It rains almost every day in Seattle! No joke.
As the holidays rolled around, we decided to come back to Texas. We lived in Seattle for about 7 months.  It was fun, and exciting, and we got to meet some great people along the way.  During this time I also got to visit California and Canada! I'm very happy to have had the chance to create those memories, and I don't regret taking the chance.

Now, as the clock ticks closer and closer to midnight, and I look back on this year, I'd have to say that even though there are some things that I'd like to have changed, this was one of the best years ever, and 2011 can only get better.

So, as this new year begins, and you're making those new years resolutions, remember to be true to yourself, and follow your dreams.  Take that chance, because you deserve it.  If you want to cut your hair or grow it long or color it purple, do it.  If you want to learn how sing or play that new instrument... SING and PLAY! And, by god, if you love someone, tell them.  Be yourself, follow your heart, and be proud of who you are! It's not always easy to do and be what you want, but what's beauty without a little pain?  Stick to those who love you, and be each other's support.  Be there for them, and they will be there for you. :)

So, believe in yourself and chase those dreams! You are worth damn it!!!!!!!!  :D

*** Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
(author unknown)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

