Blessings and love beauties!!
I pray all is well with you and that you have had a wonderfully blessed Thursday.
Well...this evening was marked as a day out with the girls on my calendar and as usual, after I'd picked everything I wanted to wear, my hair was the last on my list.
By the time I got to my hair, I was already running late.
I started out with an idea of what I wanted to do with it, but then I had absolutely no clue.
I went from an updo, to a side look, then an updo again before I finally came up with this.
This look had not been planned and looking back now, I laugh because I was practically rushing when I came up with it.
I do like it...a lot!
Though I didn't get any compliment about it, apart from my lovely sister, I did get some major stares!
I really would like to rock this look again.
The simplicity is great and protection for my strands!
A keeper!
I call it my infamous side roll!
The evening was great and I had an amazing time thank God...
So the moral of the story is : we seem to be the most creative when we are lost for ideas and under pressure (pressure to do our hair) [+ roller coasters after teenage years are not so great (my sister learnt this the hard way today)].
I'm also going to take this opportunity to encourage you natural queens to be creative with your natural hair. Time and time again, we get to a spot where we have no clue what to do with our hair and even some sisters start to consider straightening or others...natural hair is so's unbelievable.
As I always say, if you are not having fun with your natural hair, then you are not informed and let me add this, it also means you are not being creative.
It's great to try each other's styles but once in a while, let's bring out the creativity in us
...and this is coming from the chick who practically has zero creativity so if I can do it, so can you!
What are some of your signature styles?