My ALL time biggest pet peeve is when (in real life or in virtual life) someone doesn't take 2 seconds out of their day to say THANK YOU! Now, I know our parents (well I hope so) raised us better than that.
I was reading a blog post on TheNaturalHaven and J.C said it best:
I am SOOOOOO quick to un-follow a blog or unsubscribe to a you-tube channel (I don't care how many subscribers or comments you have) if I take time out of MY day to give a compliment..and don't receive a simple thank you in response. If you have time to write up a blog post or do a video..then you have time to say Thank you!
Common courtesy should not be forgotten and in my eyes the lack there of is not forgiven!
On that note, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of the people out there who take time to read my blog, comment or send emails! :-D