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Poll Results: How Often Do You Wash Your Hair?

Thank you to all who participated in this poll! I do appreciate feed back. Polls are a quick way to do this. This time around, there were 41 in total who voted. Here were the results to the question, How Often Do You Wash Your Hair?
  • 31% (13 voters) answered, twice or more a week
  • 48% (20 voters) answered, once a week
  • 14% (6 voters) answered, once every two weeks
  • 4% (2 voters) answered, once every month
  • 7% (3 voters) answered, other
Okay so how do we answer the question, how often do I wash my hair?

There is no universal answer to this question. The answer will depend on your hair type in addition to how oily, normal or dry your scalp tends to be.

Lets briefly discuss the different *hair types,

Type 2 Hair

If you have type 2 hair, it is recommended that you wash your hair every day to every other day. Your hair will have a tendency to become oilier than the other types because the curls are relaxed.

Type 3 Hair

If you have type 3 hair, it is recommended that you wash your hair twice a week. Your hair can handle being washed more often and it will keep your curls in the best shape. This hair type looks best with less oil, so more frequent washing is suggested.

Type 4 Hair

If you have type 4 hair, it is recommended that you wash your hair no more than once a week. Less is more because if you wash too often, your hair will become extremely dry!

Some of your questions answered:

What hair type do you have, Kendra?
I am a type 4 without a doubt. My hair is very kinky and my curls are in a z-pattern. In fact once dry, my hair shrinks 6-7 inches back up! I have the "most difficult to handle, ultra impossible" hair type- whatever, that's bologna! lol. My hair is beautiful :)

My hair feels very dirty, what can I do in between washes?

You can try water washing which is washing your hair with water only. Massage your scalp and gently rub through your strands with water. Another option is using a dry shampoo.

My hair feels dry, what can I do in between washes?

You can co-wash. This is washing your hair with conditioner. It will help you to restore moisture before you next wash.

How often do YOU wash YOUR hair and why?

*please note: I not using the hair tying system to "rate" your hair texture- simply to break it down so that you can clearly see that there are many differences that will alter how we care for our hair :)