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!!!!AQUA NET!!!


From every school girl to glam rock band in the 80's, Aqua Net was the 1 essential product that was a must next to blue eyeshadow and leggings.  It's been said that one could achieve ANY style no matter how high, with a half a can.  I remember using my mom's hairspray when I was a little girl, trying to achieve the perfect bangs! What can I say, Aqua Net is the true and tried hair spray.  With a generous spray, you can set your style without having to worry about a lot of build up.

Being that I had just moved to Seattle from Dallas, I needed something that would allow me to style my hair, and yet keep it's hold in all the wind I ran into. So, I picked level 3 for extra super hold, and it's worked great.  It has a pleasant sent, and washes out easily.
Cost: aprx $3